고객센터  l  자유게시판
인기검색어 스파, 물놀이, 콘도, 호텔, 레지던스
상반기 리뉴얼 공지
도대체 여섯시는 저에게 왜 이러는걸까요???

도대체 여섯시는 저에게 왜 이러는걸까요???


변팔로 사용하는 카드로 캔슬~~~시키고, 폴로나 아마존에서 잘 사용되어지는 카드로 캔슬이네요~~

해외주소로 다 등록되어있고 문제없는 카드인데 이상합니다....(마스터카드예요)

여섯시에서 보내온 메일을 구글번역기로 돌려보니 계정도 막은듯한데~(계정막은거 맞지요??)

영어 잘하시는 뉴걸님들 한번 멜좀 봐주세요~~

도대체 이유를 모르겠어요~~지금 멘붕왔어요`~~~

사고싶었던 어그부츠는 가격도 올라있고~~흑흑

We are sorry for the any inconvenience and would very much like to help you get this resolved right away.After an order is submitted, the bank will initially authorize a payment, leaving the merchant responsible to effectively verify the purchase as legitimate for the card holder.In most circumstances we are able to communicate with the financial institution in order to verify the information provided. We then contact the card holder to confirm the purchase that was made. In instances involving financial institutions outside of the United States, we may be limited in our ability to effectively communicate in order to ensure that we are accepting funds responsibly.Our ability to accept methods of payment outside of the United States is very new and we are working diligently to expand our capabilities to our potential customers around the globe. Unfortunately, at this time, we are unable to communicate with your issuing bank, and were not able to accept this transaction.We have voided the authorization holding funds on your account, effectively removing our ability to continue to process this payment. The funds should be available back into your account in 1-30 business days from the original transaction date, depending on your financial institutions procedures.In order to better ensure that this does not become a repeated situation, we do request the use of a card issued from a bank within the United States. Once we receive your order, we will contact that bank to verify the information provided, and make an outbound call to a US phone number to speak with you, or someone who can confirm the order on your behalf.We will then be able to fulfill our responsibilities and successfully process your orders going forward.Sincerely,Customer Service

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