고객센터  l  자유게시판
인기검색어 스파, 물놀이, 콘도, 호텔, 레지던스
상반기 리뉴얼 공지
writing question

writing question


ielts academic writing에 관한 질문입니다.
아이엘츠를 한번도 쳐본적이 없는데요.

인터넷으로 자료를 찾다보니 종종 샘플 문제로

task1 도표 문제에서사진이나 도표와 함께

보기 단어나 문장이 괄호안을 채워너는 형식으로도 나와있더라고요.
일반적으로 아이엘츠 라이팅 시험에서도 이런식으로 나오는게 아니겠죠??
task1, 2둘다 60분내에 에세이 형식으로 쓰는거 맞죠?.
샘플라이팅이 워낙 이렇게 다 보기 형식이 되있길래. 혹시나 해서 물어봐요~
예시 >you should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
the following diagram shows how greenhouse gases trap energy from the sun.

write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
write at least 150 words.도표나 사진

complete the answer by filling the gaps with a word or phrase from the box below.
lead to
result in
as a result of

energy from the sun .................... the earth as heat. some of this heat energy is .................... radiated into space, while some of it is trapped by greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and reflected back to earth. this is a natural process, but in recent ...................., human activities have .................... an increase in the .................... of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which is now trapping too much heat.

one of the main greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide, and extra quantities of this .................... into the atmosphere .................... burning fossil fuels as a source of energy in power stations, factories and homes. exhaust gases from cars and lorries .................... further emissions of carbon dioxide.

plants serve to remove some of the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere by absorbing it through their leaves. however, as large areas of forest .................... in the amazon and elsewhere, .................... carbon dioxide is removed in this way.

  • 귀1여운렩

    저도 혹시나하는맘에 확인하고싶어서요 고맙습니닷:)

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