고객센터  l  자유게시판
인기검색어 스파, 물놀이, 콘도, 호텔, 레지던스
상반기 리뉴얼 공지
토익지문 해석좀요 ㅜㅜ

토익지문 해석좀요 ㅜㅜ


편지형식의 토익지문인데 해석 좀 부탁드려요 ㅜㅜ

From:Susan ireland
To:Renee Powers, Human Resources Manager
Subject: Evaluation of Franklin Group Meetings Seminar


As you know, i attended the Franklin Group Meetings Seminar last week. it was
well worth the time spent, and i believe it should be made available to all supervisory employee.

The complete title is Improving the Effectiveness of Business Meetings. There are two
formats available: a public seminar or a kit for in-house presentations. The cost for attending the seminar is
$35 per person. The kit costs $500 and has enough material to train 50 employees.

Obviously, purchasing the kit is more cost-effective, and after attending the seminar, I feel that I am sufficietly
prepared to run an in-house workshop.
Therefore, I would recommend purchasing the Franklin Group Meetings kit to help our managers and supervisors hold more
efficient meeting. I brought back some literature from the seminar that I will send to your office today.

If you like this idea, please contact me so that we can discuss possible dates for the workshop.



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